It Takes Courage To Find Trust

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It takes courage to find trust

    Healing Sickness

    As a healer I teach meditation to many people who are working to overcome various sicknesses. And for many of those sicknesses, there doesn’t appear to be a solution. They might not recover without something special coming about.

    A while ago I was contacted by a young girl who had lymphoma. I had a long email exchange with her and even gave her the email of someone that I had previously treated with lymphoma who had been successful. At that time I got a reply saying “Thank you very much, I wasn’t really sure why I was getting in touch with you, I think it was because my father really wanted me to. I just wanted to find out what it was about but I think I’ll put it on file for later.”

    Anyway she went on and had chemo, and then had salvage chemo and then had stem cell therapy, and none of them worked. She called me and asked if we could meet. So we did meet. She was thirty years old and she was very ill. She came to see me directly from her oncologist and asked to join a retreat. When the time did come for her to come she wasn’t able to make it on account of being too ill. She was having salvage chemo a second time.

    A Commitment to Something We Don’t Understand

    Now it is without a doubt that the people who get success in those situations access something that is way beyond their understanding when they set out. I said this to the girl when we were talking - if you wait till you understand it, it may be too late. You just have to acknowledge that it’s a possibility and commit yourself to that possibility, even with the knowledge that you may not succeed.

    But we have to acknowledge that there may be a latent capacity within us that is capable of infinitely more than what we are currently capable of perceiving. You’ve got to apply yourself diligently, even though you don’t know what it is going to reward you with. And that’s why so few people make the effort that is necessary, because we are the type of beings that always like to know what we are going to get before we put our money on the table. I mean look how much science it was necessary to put behind mindfulness before people were willing to give it a go.

    And this is the nub of it. It’s the nub of all spiritual practice and anything that is of real value. The fact that it is achieved by a handful of people is on account of the fact that most people won’t commit themselves until they absolutely know what it is that they are going to get. The kind of healing which people like the girl who came to see me was seeking is going to happen in a realm which they don’t yet know, and they don’t yet understand.

    The Courage to Overcome Doubt

    Doubt is one of the hindrances that is in the way and stops us realising our potential because it opposes confidence, trust or faith. But it also develops all too easily into cynicism. If there is doubt, there is vexation in the mind and there is wavering and there is a lack of commitment. You have to believe that what you seek is achievable. But equally we have to understand that faith alone is not enough, because there is a journey that has to be walked whether it leads to healing or freedom or whatever is our goal, and to get there takes commitment.

    Of all the fields of endeavour that man embarks upon, freedom from suffering is the most rarely attained, so we could say that it’s the highest of all endeavours. Watching people healing and getting results, and seeing the results around you, should give you the inspiration that there is something to sitting still and being with yourself in meditation.

    There must be a reason that for countless ages people have done it. We also have to accept that it is hard to grasp why when we start. And you understand that the people who did dig deep enough to get success in their healing did not have the tools that were necessary when they started, and through hard work they acquired them.

    Faith is the belief that what has been known or done by others can in time be known or done by me. It is trusting the process even before we have fully fathomed it for ourselves. If you doubt just because you personally have not understood, then you are going to hugely limit your field of endeavour. It’s like saying I’m not going to embark on anything until I know I am going to succeed. It is a timid soul who lives like that.

    I see a huge difference between those who chose to come to me because they are willing to explore possibilities, and those who come as an act of desperation because they have run out of options. Give yourself the best chance by starting out when you still have fuel in the tank. There are many people trying meditation as a coping tool for a life that has become unmanageable. And that’s fine. But it is so much more than that…It might just be the gateway to finding out what you are really made of.


    Beyond Mindfulness to the Heart of The Path


    Connecting To The Power Behind Your Life